iPhone 5 Ringtone |
Since from iTunes 10, we are not able to find the feature to create ringtone for iPhone on iTunes, but there is still a method for us to make ringtone via iTunes for our iPhone, and obviously, that is also suitable for creating ringtone for iPhone 5.
So in order to make free ringtone for iPhone 5 via iTunes, the things below we should be prepared beforehand:
iTunes 10.7, computer (Windows computer or Mac), a song
Now, let's start!
1st Step, Open iTunes, and add song in.
Add song into iTunes |
2nd Step, Right click on the song to choose "Get Info", then you'll get the properties of the song.
Select Get Info |
3rd Step, Select "Options" tab, check and set "Start Time" and "Stop Time" to cut the portion of the song we want to make as ringtone, when it get ready to confirm it by clicking "OK" button on the bottom.
Note: Please ensure the time length no longer than 30 seconds, else iTunes will not recognise it as ringtone.
Set Start Time and Stop Time |
4th Step, Right click on the song again to choose "Create AAC Version".
Create AAC Version |
5th Step, Then iTunes will automatically extract the portion of the song we set in 4th step, and the extracted music file is 30 seconds in time length.
Extract the portion of the song you set |
6th Step, Now right click on the 30 seconds length song to choose "Show in Windows Explorer", that will make you to locate this file with Windows Explorer.
Note: If you are on Mac, please choose "Show in Finder", as here I work on Windows computer.
Show in Windows Explorer |
7th Step, Rename the file extension from ".m4a" to ".m4r" or just convert this .m4a file to .m4r file directly.
Change .m4a to .m4r |
Convert .m4a file to .m4r directly |
Note: Sometimes you may find it's difficult to change a file extension from one to another, so in this situation, you need to uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types" in Tools-->Folder options-->View tab, then you are able to change file extension from one to another.
Uncheck "Hide extension for known file types |
8th Step, Back to iTunes, right click on the 30 seconds length song we created in 5th step and select "Delete".
Delete the 30 seconds length song from iTunes library |
9th Step, Click "Delete Song", and then click "Keep File" , thus, the song will be deleted from iTunes library but the actual song (30 seconds length) still keep.
Keep the actual file but delete it from iTunes library |
10th Step, Back to Windows Explorer to open the renamed .m4r song file with iTunes, then it can be added to iTunes Tones library directly, then you can sync it to iPhone 5 with iTunes for your new ringtone enjoyment!
The .m4r ringtone added to iTunes Tones library automatically |
And you can also download free iPhone 5 ringtone from free ringtone download sites like
Or you can buy ringtones for iPhone from Ringtones for iPhone (iTunes).
And Additionally, there is a video for you to make iPhone 5 free ringtone with iAm Ringer.
If you do not know how to make Ringtone or Tones tab display in iTunes library, please open iTunes then go to "Edit-->Preferences-->General" to check "Tones", then click "OK" to confirm, then the Ringtone or Tones tab will appear in iTune library.
Diaplay Tones Tab in iTunes library |
If there any problem for you to make iPhone 5 ringtone, just feel free to comment at below.
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